Friday, July 9, 2010

Finally some successful bathing suit shopping!

Went to Victoria Secret today and decided to use my gift card on some bathing suits =]
I'm really happy with my purchases and I personally like their suits better than the ones at South Moon Under. I had so many to choose from but of course I had to narrow it down. Thankfully my giftcard was worth a bit more.
Sadly I cannot find the suits I got on the website. Sooo...I could post pictures of myself in the suits and put them here but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with that yet....

Ok maybe i'll post one to show you why I have insecurities...


There's the reason why I haven't worn bikinis until this year. My scar.
If you didn't know already I was a premie baby. I was born at 2lbs 5ounces and I was around 2 months early. After I was born it was discovered that I had a few health issues and I needed to have surgery on New Years Eve. So there's the results of my surgery, the scar. Now I've had problems with this my whole life. Sometimes under clothes it looks like a strange roll and when its open to the world my stomach looks like a frowny face. It also messes up my abs really badly and I firmly think that the muscle is cut in half. I can't do proper situps because of it and I will never have regular looking ab muscles. So I decided this year that I was going to give it a try and buy some bikinis. I was going to try to be comfortable with myself. I'm still getting used to it but hopefully by the end of the summer I will be super tan and even more comfortable with my body.


Katie said...

super cute suit! i have that in black and white polka dots- just got it too! we need to have a pool date together and work on our tans, k? ok its a plan. wonderful!

rachel said...

i think you look absolutely gorgeous, i adore this bikini!