Monday, December 7, 2009

procrastination. the story of my life. its what im doing right now, well kind of. i'm just avoiding work because I simply just don't want to do it anymore. i have to memorize a poem which is going alright and then i should be revising my english paper but i really dont feel like it.
got an 89 on my psych paper that i handed in like a month ago. so glad i got it back, and im even happier about my grade. that class really sucks but since my last few grades have been better the semester should end up pretty decent.
i can't wait for break. and for my birthday. cant believe its next week.
sigh ok. nothing else to really say.
wish i had a good picture to put up here.
i guess this will do.
kait and i decorated our door with a disney theme. got the wrapping paper at target for 3bucks. its quite adorable if i do say so myself. besides, everyone loves disney =]
happy holidays.


1 comment:

Katie said...

congrats on that psych things :)
and that is such a cuteway to decorate!!