Tuesday, May 5, 2009

its over now the music of the night

the dance concert is overrrrrrr. and im so excited. and yes im a little sad seeing as today I will be giving away my rose [to tracy no less! i'm so excited for her] and this is technically the last week of classes. it hasn't hit me yet because i still have so much work but wow things are really winding down. and i should be studying for chem right now but my ADD is getting the better of me.
so the dance concert overall went really well i thought. i dont remember being scary nervous or messing up. sure my solo was a little nerve racking but everyone said it looked great. its the best feeling when you get out on stage and youre thinking 'oh god this is it, not turning back now" but when the music starts you just...go. its like once you hear that music and the light hits you th world is gone. you dont see anything around you and you just, well, dance. i never realized how incredible it was. so i was in 9 dances and i thought at some points i was going to pull my hair out. the whole fiasco with tapline really ate at me for a while but everything turned out to be fine. i was just scared of getting that crap off my face before the finale. i feel like i should have done better with the finale but it was the dance tht we learned last and the final night i got the ending correct so I think that was an acomplishment. i have so many bruises right now it looks like someone beat me. leah stepped on my hand, more than once actually, during one dance and now it looks hideous. and my elbows have huuuuge bruises on them. i hope they semi go away before prom. the hand one i dont really care about seeing as that can be explained and hidden in pictures. the elbows not so much. at least my dress is long so they dont have to see my knees and feet. but mimmo came to see me dance on sunday. all the senior roses kind of forced him poor guy but it was nice that he made the effort to show up. it was nice to see him again. i hate though whenever i see him i get bombarded by questions about if we're dating. the honest answer is i have no idea in hell. this thing that we have has been going on for like more than a year and i still dont know what to make of it. it would be kind of pointless to get a boyfriend now anyway since im going off to college. that reminds me, if it wasnt official before it is now. DeSales Class of 2013! I sent the deposit in and i got the packet in the mail with my email and everything. again i dont think thats sunk in either. gah my world is spinning so fast. i only have this week and like half of next week before i go off to do my senior project. then i come back for like yearbook and other random things and then bam class day and graduation. so so weird.
so i feel like i have so much more to write but my mind is blank. i had a horrible headache this morning and hopefully it wont come back because i have a stupid chem test today. which i will fail btw. its bound to happen. ive had no energy or brain power to study and pay attention in class so im screwed but what else is new? i dont understand math either and i have a quiz in that tomorrow. shoot me now.
well i guess lily will be here any minute. i hope we can work on our bible lit project today. its supposed to be due on friday... and we're dancing...something i havent done in a while! not.
ok now im going, really i am.

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